Last month, I introduced one of my quilting buddies, Kate Colleran of Kate Colleran Designs. She likes to help quilters make quilts! Part of her philosophy on teaching has always been to share different ways to do things and let the quilter pick the way that works best for them!
A while back, she and a fellow quilter, Tammy Silvers of Tamarinis started a blog series called Exploring the Basics which was all about providing information on the many different steps of making a quilt. They started at the beginning, chatting about choosing a project and picking a pattern, deciding on a color scheme and choosing fabrics, cutting, pressing and so much more! Every post had a specific topic.
The color scheme post probably has universal interest! Find it here.

Then they moved onto blocks, making HST units and FG and QST units and explored different techniques. Find the HST post here.

Then they moved onto blocks! Two of Kate's most popular block posts are the Disappearing Nine Patch and the Disappearing 4 Patch blocks! She even made the Disappearing 4 Patch post into a PDF handout that you can buy so you don't have to keep searching for the post! Disappearing Nine Patch here.

If you need help with binding, check out this post!

Kate continues to add to this series with posts on the blocks she makes with the Block Remix series. Reading those posts can give you ideas on how you can recreate a basic block and make a new one all your own!!

Head on over to Kate's Blog and explore quilting basics!
Keep on reading our Quilting at the Poorhouse Blog for more installments in our Building a Better Bag series!