Tips, Tricks, and How Tos

The Take-Along Tote Project - Week 1

Building a Better Bag

The Take-Along Tote Project - Week 1

Introducing the Take-Along Tote! Take her along when you are off on a full day of shopping, doctor’s appointments, or what have you. The tote converts from a generous shoulder bag to a walker or wheelchair tote. This means that the caregiver can conveniently carry the tote for the day, or your loved one can hook it on to a walker and have all the essentials at hand! We are protecting those essentials with foam – specifically Bosal’s In-R-Form Plus Fusible Foam.   Let's look at the Take-Along Tote in action! As a pattern designer, it is a joy to...

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Introducing Fall O’Ween – A Fall-themed Quilt Along

Introducing Fall O’Ween – A Fall-themed Quilt Along

In April, we announced that we would introduce our Fall themed program, and here we are!  Our new program is called Fall O’Ween, and we are so excited to tell you about it!  It is a 4-month Quilt Along, featuring fall-themed quilt blocks. Every month, you will receive between 1 and 4 quilt block designs, along with a project to use with the quilt block(s). All the blocks are the same size, so you can mix and match your blocks in the projects!  At the end of the program, you will have four useful projects that you can use to...

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Free Quilt Block and Upcoming New Program!

Free Quilt Block and Upcoming New Program!

Kate Colleran and I have had so much fun collaborating on these blog posts the last few months! In case you missed the posts - you can get to them here and here! We wanted to create a name for our collaboration and since we chat and drink our coffee, we thought it would be fun to call it Koffee Klatch with Kate and Kris! So we came up with a logo – here it is: And naturally, we had to have a Koffee kup block.  Very kute, I would say: This block is perfect for a mug rug! Here's...

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A Bouquet for Mom and a super gift

A Bouquet for Mom and a super gift

What a cute bouquet and you will not believe how easy this is to do!

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Explore Quilting Basics with Kate Colleran

Explore Quilting Basics with Kate Colleran

Last month, I introduced one of my quilting buddies, Kate Colleran of Kate Colleran Designs. She likes to help quilters make quilts! Part of her philosophy on teaching has always been to share different ways to do things and let the quilter pick the way that works best for them! A while back, she and a fellow quilter, Tammy Silvers of Tamarinis started a blog series called Exploring the Basics which was all about providing information on the many different steps of making a quilt. They started at the beginning, chatting about choosing a project and picking a pattern, deciding on...

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